2017 十月 23 週一

ALi, Skardin Further Cooperate to Expand Ecosystem-Ready Spectrums

Taipei, Taiwan – October 23rd, 2017 —ALi Corporation, a leading innovator and developer of set-top box (STB) chipsets, and Skardin, a leading STB manufacturing company, jointly announced their further cooperation to expand their spectrums in ecosystem-ready solutions. Both ALi and Skardin have long footprints of collaborations in developing ecosystem-ready solutions that have been deployed in various regions worldwide, by integrating the know-how from both parties. With the upcoming demands in TV-viewing, both are continuing and furthering their cooperation to expand PayTV solution portfolio across FHD to UHD.


Besides the long cooperation history between ALi and Skardin, the next-milestone cooperation is formed to respond to the rising demands of high-definition and high-security viewing experience towards the emerging markets. As usual, ALi will launch its next-generation FHD/UHD chipset family, certified by mainstream CAS vendors, such as Verimatrix, to meet rising demands of 4K, which requires Ultra Security. On the other hand, Skardin will not only contribute its set-top box manufacturing capability, but also expand its value-added software. Once the chipset and the STB are successful integrated, both ALi and Skardin will launch the next-generation security set-top box with enhanced viewing experience.


“ALi and Skardin have proven records of joint efforts, and this time we are expanding our portfolio to meet the new demands in the market. Skardin’s hardware know-how and value-added software have been an integral part and I believe our next-generation FHD/UHD security chipsets will be well-integrated with Skardin’s new security set-top box”, said Tony Chang, COO of ALi Corporation.

“Our ODM capability and the wide SoC portfolio by ALi have enabled us to further penetrate the markets worldwide. Skardin has proven history in manufacturing and the development of value-added software. We are confident that we will have wider joint spectrums to meet the demands of operators in global markets”, said Armando Caltabiano, CEO of Skardin.



Skardin is a leading Consumer Electronics Manufacturing Company specializing in the supply of Set Top Box & Broadband industry solutions for the last 35 years. We are continuously investing and renewing our capabilities to provide new cutting edge products in advance networking and smart home platforms.


Thanks to the long market history and strong partnership with all major industry players (CPU, CAS, DRM, SW, MW), we are providing our customers with the best quality product and solutions.

Skardin is a vertical integrated manufacturer with it’s own Factory, a strong portfolio of products and an “ahead-of–time-to-market” R&D approach to shorten delivery cycles.

Skardin is bringing the best of Asia and Europe with its experienced executive team supported by an international and professional group of top managers from Europe & Asia, leading the best engineering and project teams.

We are one of the few companies that own the export licenses granted by the Chinese government to export DTH decoder from China.


More info at www.skardin.com


Skardin media contact

+44 75 00803243



About ALi

ALi Corporation is a leading innovator and developer in the set-top box (STB) system-on-chip (SoC) market. By fully leveraging its core expertise in the set-top box industry, ALi Corp.’s solutions are recognized for their high levels of integration, superior performance reliability, premier customer oriented service and compelling cost structure. Hundreds of Pay TV operators have adopted ALi Corp.’s solutions worldwide. ALi Corp. was founded in 1987 with headquarters in Taipei, Taiwan, R&D centers as well as sales offices in Hsinchu, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Geneva, Seoul, and New Delhi, and technical support teams throughout Asia. For more information, please visit www.alitech.com.


ALi Corp. media contact

Mavis Wu

+886 (0)2-8752-2000



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